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The Fortunate 500 University Rankings establishes its ratings according to a carefully calibrated system of variables that assess the core factors in rating any academic institution. Unlike most other inferior, data-based assessment systems, however, our hi-tech algorithms work with a completely randomized sample basis.  Our results aren’t biased by factors such as exam results, quality of teaching, or caliber of research.
Instead, our system is entirely random; it’s an unpredictable world, and so are we. The next Stephen Hawking or Marie Curie could be studying at the Boondocks University, and only a completely randomized measurement system will uncover them. As a result, our number one university may not be the most academically rigorous; it might not be the most highly respected institution; it might not be an actual university at all. It will, though, be the luckiest university to have been picked randomly out of our sampling of 2000 institutions. 

The rankings are published by Igor Chirikov, senior researcher at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley. 

Fortunate 500 University Rankings has been listed as #2 of the ten smartest university rankings in the world by Ranking Watch.


If you have any questions about the results, methodology or just want our advice please contact us:





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